Welcome to

The Birth Junkie Podcast

I’m so ready for you to dive into all things birth with me! We talk about preconception to postpartum which includes everything in between.

I’m EXCITED for you to join me on this journey to realizing we’re all human, we make mistakes, it’s gonna be messy and we’re all figuring it out as we go!

If you’re ready to hear raw, unfiltered, and real-life stories of struggles, triumphs and learn a thing or two then come along as we navigate this thing called parenthood TOGETHER!

Meet your host Petra

Helloooo… I’m a Doula, mom to 4, and VBAC advocate who decided to leave my job as a school bus driver so I can devote every extra moment to teaching birth education, advocacy and so much more!

My goal is to spread knowledge and facts to help you realize your power and guide you toward taking the wheel and having the pregnancy and birth you’ve been dreaming of!

The Birth Junkie Podcast Blog!

The Birth Junkie Podcast Blog!